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Frequently asked questions


The ANPR portal has been designed as a single point of access to services for all Italian residents and AIRE members. Each municipality displays services for citizens, many of them which are specific to the municipality. For digital registry services, it is important that the municipality is always connected to the ANPR: online certificates are only valid if the data is sourced by ANPR and have the Ministry of the Interior's QR code and authorised electronic seal.

If the system has not been able to unequivocally identify your master file, there may be several reasons:
  • the master file is not present in the ANPR;
  • the tax code is invalid;
  • the master file has been deleted;
  • the master file has been duplicated.
In any case, we advise you to contact your local municipality.

This type of access is valid for holders of the National Services Card (CNS). It is possible to enable the Health Card to be used as a CNS: for more information on enabling it, see the dedicated site. To log in with CNS, you must insert your Health Card (TS-CNS) into an electronic card reader, then click on the Log In button. We also suggest that you use Chrome as your browser for viewing.

Most likely, the tax code used for the Public Digital Identity System (SPID) and the tax code in the master file in ANPR do not match. Please do contact your local municipality.

The reasons for displaying only two types of certificates may be:
  • the master file was defined with partial certifiability by your municipality;
  • on the registry master file there is a procedure opened by a municipality.
In both cases, we advice to contact your local municipality for further details.

Most probably, the holder is missing in the registry family record. In this case, it is best to contact your local municipality for further information.

A citizen registered in the ANPR as AIRE, having never been resident in Italy, has no previous records for which the municipality can issue a certificate.

Some examples:

  • if the citizen registered in AIRE logged into the ANPR when the municipality joined it , the citizen can only request a certificate of residence and/or family status; a birth certificate can only be issued if he/she was born in Italy;
  • if, on the other hand, a citizen logs into the ANPR and is then registered in the AIRE, then it is possible to request certificates if the subject of the certification is prior to the date of expatriation.

Most probably you are using Internet Explorer (which will soon be discontinued) as your browser. The certificate has been downloaded and can be found in the list of requested certificates that are still valid. We advise you to change your browser.

The list only shows the members of your household as registered, i.e. the persons registered as your family members in the ANPR.

The certificate of 'residence in cohabitation' covers persons living in cohabitation facilities such as barracks, prisons, religious or healthcare institutions. Therefore, this certificate can be applied to the situation described. The 'cohabitation agreement', on the other hand, concerns persons who have entered into a cohabitation agreement. One piece of information, however, is crucial for the issuance of the certificate, and that is the date of stipulation, which must be recorded in the ANPR master file. Please do contactyour local municipality for further details.

Registry certificates are documents attesting to a number of requirements concerning the person or status of the holder. In some cases, the certificate may be replaced by self-certification.

In your personal profile you can indicate a telephone number and a standard e-mail address. These data are not compulsory, but they become compulsory if you have to submit a file to the municipality (e.g. a request for correction or a declaration of change of residence) or request a certificate by e-mail: in these cases, the e-mail address you provide will have to be verified.

You can normally consult your electoral data in the 'Your data’ page of the reserved area. An exception applies if you do not have the right to vote.


If the details of your identity document are already present in the personal data sheet, they are automatically included in the self-certification. If not registered, you can enter them before printing. In this case, you can also enter only one of the document details (either the identity card number or the passport number).

Your electoral data are being updated following a change of residence. The data have been deleted from the electoral roll of your previous municipality of registration and will be updated at the next electoral revision, scheduled for the next election, or at least every 6 months. Once the update is complete, you will show as being registered on the electoral roll of the municipality to which you have moved.


Certificates are valid for three months from the date of issuance and contain the data on the person's personal data sheet available on the date of the request.

The QR code is easy to check via any free app: scan it and the answer is 'Issued by ANPR'.

The authorised electronic seal is not immediately visible: you must first download the pdf of the certificate and view it with Adobe Reader. In the top right-hand corner, you will find a 'Signature Panel' to click on; then, on the left-hand side, you will see the words 'Signed by the Ministry of the Interior Central Directorate for Demographic Services'.

You can then right-click to select, in order: "Verify signature", "Display signed version", "Add verification information" and finally "Show signature properties".

Immagine del certificato

Through the ANPR portal, you can request a certificate with or without paying the €16 stamp duty. Payment of stamp duty may be avoided if the certificate is intended for specific uses provided for by law, and more specifically if requested:

  • by a non-profit organisation;
  • by a sports club;
  • for procedural purposes;
  • in proceedings for the protection of vulnerable people (interdiction, inability, provision of support);
  • in adoption, foster care or child protection proceedings;
  • in separation or divorce proceedings;
  • because the street name and/or house number of your residential address has been changed ex officio;
  • for a foreign pension.

In case you are asked for a stamped certificate, you will be redirected to a dedicated portal to proceed with payment of the €16 tax. Once the payment operation is complete, you can return to the ANPR portal and obtain your certificate

For historical certificates (aimed at certifying previous situations with respect to the current one) the citizen will have to go to the office in the municipality of residence or AIRE registration (if resident abroad). The data in the national database are only those from the date of the take-over of the municipality.

The death certificate cannot be requested as the person is removed from the family to which he/she belonged. In this case, the citizen must contact the relevant municipality.

There are only two types of certificates available: residence and family status. This may happen for two reasons: either the municipality recorded a partial certifiability in the file or there is an open procedure on the subject’s file; in either case, please contact the municipality.

All persons residing in a municipality that offers such a service may apply for a bilingual certificate. For example, if you live in Bolzano you can apply for a certificate in Italian and German, if you are in San Dorligo della Valle in Italian and Slovenian. If no other language is chosen, the certificate is produced in Italian.

On the ANPR, it is not possible to request a certificate for another person, even if you are the legal guardian. You should contact the municipality.

If you are a citizen resident abroad (registered with AIRE), you can apply for the following registry certificates:
  • marriage certificate;
  • birth certificate;
  • civil union registry;
  • of citizenship;
  • of cohabitation contract;
  • of AIRE residence;
  • of AIRE family status.
You can only apply for a certificate related to an event if it occurred and was registered in Italy before your expatriation. You can also apply for both types of electoral certificate:
  • of enjoyment of political rights;
  • of registration on the electoral roll.

Data correctionData correction

Please attach the documents that directly relate to the data you wish to correct.

The ANPR system will retain the attached documents until your request has been processed or rejected by the municipality, only then will be deleted. After that period, the municipality guarantees document storage.

You will be able to follow every step of the processing status in your private area; you will be informed either by email (if indicated in your personal profile).

'Suspended' status means that the municipal operator processing the request needs further information and/or documents, so it is best to read what is written in the 'notes' field carefully and send what is requested. In this way, the request will be integrated and this may extend the processing time.

In this case, the municipal operator has deemed the file not validpursuant to Article 2(1) of Law 241/1990, as it does not relate to the personal data rectification procedure; in this case, you should contact your municipality of residence.

No problem, you can save a draft of the declaration and then complete it when you have all the necessary data at hand.

Change of residenceChange of residence

The municipality to which one moves must register the change of residence and conditionally accept the declaration within two days of receiving the same. Thereafter, an assessment phase lasting up to 45 days follows. If the assessment is positive, the municipality accepts the request, starting from the date of its submission.

You can indicate a time slot when you are most likely to be at home. In the 'additional data' section you can enter your preferred time and register an additional telephone number besides the one already in your profile.

The service displays a list of your family members in the registry from which you can select the people who move in with you.

You will be able to follow the status of the processing in your private area; you will be informed either by email (if indicated in your personal profile).

No problem! You can use the system; in addition, if the municipality does not require certain data (e.g. section) to be present, enter 'absent'.

No corrections can be made nor you can send a new declaration of residence before the process of the declaration has been completed.

No problem! You can save a draft of the declaration and then complete it when you have all the necessary data at hand.

A declaration is “inadmissible” when the competent municipality rejects your declaration of residence within two days from the date of receipt, for one of the following reasons:
  • wrong address;
  • no or unsuitable residence permit;
  • no or incorrect filling in of item 6 of the “Property” section.
In that case, we advise you to make a new declaration, taking care to fill in the sections correctly, or you can go to your municipality office.

Technical areaTechnical area

The local workstation administrator of each municipality or prefecture is in charge of monitoring the situation; before a certificate expires, they must request the generation of a new certificate from the 'Security' area of the web app.

Existing Usage Agreements remain valid and still guarantee access to ANPR data for the entities that have signed them. Access is only valid for organisations that have already been accredited.
Go to Usage Agreements

To access ANPR data, you now need to join the National Digital Data Platform (PDND).
Go to PDND Interoperability

Digital domicileDigital domicile

A digital domicile is a certified electronic mail (PEC) address that replaces your physical address for sending legally valid communications from the public administration. You can view it in the dedicated section within your ANPR reserved area, but you must first enter it on the  INAD portal. The ANPR system uses the digital domicile to send you notices concerning the registry services requested through the portal, for example a request to rectify your registry data or a declaration of change of residence. If you have not elected a digital domicile on the  INAD portal, you can still receive communications from your municipality regarding the progress of your requests at the email address entered in the Profile section of the ANPR reserved area.

Once communicated on INAD, the PEC address elected as a digital domicile must be validated. Only after validation will you be able to view it through the Digital Domicile service in your login area of the ANPR portal. Normally, if validation is successful, the digital domicile elected on INAD will be active by 1:00 a.m. on the day following the request

Services for European citizensServices for European citizens

Once submitted, the declaration is managed directly by the registry operators of the municipality you have requested to move to. Processing times may vary depending on the individual case. In general, the municipality must proceed with registration if the registry declaration and attached documents are submitted correctly, and then initiate an investigation phase, which can last for up to 45 days. If the assessment is positive, the municipality will definitively accept the request, starting from the date of its submission.

Once you have sent your declaration, you can check its processing status at any time by logging back into the service and selecting the option 'I have a transfer declaration in progress'. When the municipality to which you sent your transfer declaration has definitively accepted it, you will be notified to the email address you provided during registration.